If only you were here now, I will be the first to say Happy Birthday to you. Unfortunately, God wants you to leave us forever. If you still with us, it could be your 74 right??
I still remember what we did together hehe.. Clearly remember. Always take to school and pick me up everyday to school. Always said that you will kick my friends if they make a mess with me. Sometimes you mad at me, I am ok with that because I was so young and bad hehe.. You always clean up your motor even it still clean and always in good condition. You love traditional music. You have lots cassete. I remember when you take me to school, and I kiss your hand, my teacher saw that and told me "Prisca, kalau kamu cium tangannya orang yg lebih tua, ciumnya harus bener bener dicium, jangan ditempel ke pipi saja", I did mistakes, and I kiss your hand sincerely from that time.
Always worry about me, worry when I came home late even just 5min. Always wants me to be a doctor, but finally I become a mathematicians, sorry papi hehe. Always told me that he didnt want me to have a special relationship with my neighbor haha.
Until he leave us, I never know what things that he wants to tell me. He said he wants to meet me, he ask me to see him, but I didnt come.
I am late, was late.. Never want him to leave me like that. I am sorry grandpa. If only I could turn back the time, if only... Just if only...
Semoga kau diberikan tempat terbaik di sisiNya, bersama orang2 yang kucintai lainnya. Aamiin..
I love you grandpa, my lovely Papi
Malang, August 14, 2014. Your 74.
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