It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves. So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them. This contains spoiler of course. Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born. The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....
Irene ; Nadya ; Elsha ; Milda ; Ariaga ; Prisca Pasaribu ; Sylvie, Anita, Hendy ; Tyas, Samuel ; Dian Nikolas Alissa (AADC) ; Rasma ; Diva ; Pak Budi ;
Mereka adalah beberapa dari siswa Mayantara School yang berada dibawah asuhanku *bahasa gueh*. Kebanyakan mereka memang belajar Bahasa Korea. Kepada mereka, aku menyalurkan banyak ilmu. dan dari mereka pula aku belajar dan mendapat banyak ilmu baru. Mengajar, benar-benar bukan keinginanku. Tapi mengajarkan hal baru yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain merupakan satu kepuasan tersendiri. Stress kah ketika mengajar mereka?? Hmm mungkin stres hanya sekitar 5%, sisanya seneng. Kok bisa seneng?? karena menghadapi berbagai macam orang dengan macam-macam karakteristik. Sangat menyenangkan sekali bekerja berhadapan dengan makhluk hidup. Sepertinya tipe-tipe pekerjaan yang cocok buatku adalah bekerja dengan manusia, bukan dengan mesin atau benda.
I get salary not as much as officer or CEO or HRD in a big company. I know, but that salary is enough. My mindset isn't money oriented now. Not much salary but if I compare with other jobs that often make the workers get stress, I am happy being here. The situation, the students, the co workers, the owner, and everything here feel so good and really conducive. And that makes me think, "What if I become a teacher or professor??" *proses memikirkannya*
I know sometimes we have to move on. But maybe not now. Teaching here really give me lots experiences. A priceless experiences. We always improve our skills day by day. I get to improve my Korean skills and also not forget my mathematics.
Oh iya, aku dapat tugas baru untuk membuat soal latihan persiapan masuk universitas. Tantangan baru. Yahhh walaupun aku tidak akan membuat soal matematika sendiri, tapi pasti akan menjadi tantangan dan pengalaman baru.
Bekerja dengan hati. Itulah intinya. Bekerjalah dengan hati, maka kau akan bahagia dan rajin bekerja :)
Mereka adalah beberapa dari siswa Mayantara School yang berada dibawah asuhanku *bahasa gueh*. Kebanyakan mereka memang belajar Bahasa Korea. Kepada mereka, aku menyalurkan banyak ilmu. dan dari mereka pula aku belajar dan mendapat banyak ilmu baru. Mengajar, benar-benar bukan keinginanku. Tapi mengajarkan hal baru yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain merupakan satu kepuasan tersendiri. Stress kah ketika mengajar mereka?? Hmm mungkin stres hanya sekitar 5%, sisanya seneng. Kok bisa seneng?? karena menghadapi berbagai macam orang dengan macam-macam karakteristik. Sangat menyenangkan sekali bekerja berhadapan dengan makhluk hidup. Sepertinya tipe-tipe pekerjaan yang cocok buatku adalah bekerja dengan manusia, bukan dengan mesin atau benda.
I get salary not as much as officer or CEO or HRD in a big company. I know, but that salary is enough. My mindset isn't money oriented now. Not much salary but if I compare with other jobs that often make the workers get stress, I am happy being here. The situation, the students, the co workers, the owner, and everything here feel so good and really conducive. And that makes me think, "What if I become a teacher or professor??" *proses memikirkannya*
I know sometimes we have to move on. But maybe not now. Teaching here really give me lots experiences. A priceless experiences. We always improve our skills day by day. I get to improve my Korean skills and also not forget my mathematics.
Oh iya, aku dapat tugas baru untuk membuat soal latihan persiapan masuk universitas. Tantangan baru. Yahhh walaupun aku tidak akan membuat soal matematika sendiri, tapi pasti akan menjadi tantangan dan pengalaman baru.
Bekerja dengan hati. Itulah intinya. Bekerjalah dengan hati, maka kau akan bahagia dan rajin bekerja :)
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