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Showing posts from June, 2015

Urus Pindah Domisili ke Denpasar - Bali

Balinese is a lot of thing, but one thing for sure that they work efficiently when it is related to the documents.  Gw selalu kasih tepuk tangan meriah kalau urus-urus dokumen di Bali tuh serba cepet banget. Di Denpasar ya terutama karena gw tinggal di sini. Nggak tau lagi kalau di daerah lain. Ini testimoni gw yang tiap tahun harus urus dokumen visa suami, tiap tahun harus ke Dukcapil, Polres, wira-wiri di desa urus printilan.  Akhirnya tahun ini gw putuskan untuk pindah domisili ke Bali. Yeay.   Bukan tanpa alasan, tapi karena untuk menjamin KITAP, gw harus domisili Bali. Suami gw udah terdaftar di Imigrasi Bali. Jadi daripada gw harus pindahin dia ke domisili asal gw, yang mana gw udah nggak tinggal di sana hampir 20 tahun, ya lebih baik gw yang pindah.  Ternyata, pindah KTP tuh gampang banget ya. Gw kira gw harus pulang dulu ke domisili untuk cabut berkas. Setelah tanya langsung ke domisili asal gw (Pake WA dan jawabnya nunggu lama banget), mereka bilang untuk urus surat SKPWNI (Su

Marathon Malang - Jakarta -Jogjakarta -Malang

I went to Jakarta by train. Here I will tell about the price that I spent for this trip. I didnt buy many  things. I just spent the money for trasportation and eat. I admit it. This is not the best price that I can spent, but it might help you who will travel like me. Starting point : Malang I go to Jakarta by Majapahit train. Go to Jakarta at about 6.25 pm and arrive at like 10 am. *but mine was late*. It cost about 265k because we reserved the ticket about 3 days before we go. It was economic train but it has combination of 2-2 seat possition. You know, the standart economic train seat. Its different with Matarmaja train which has combination of 2-3 seat. It is much comfortable to sit or sleep in Majapahit train. The rest room also cleaner than Matarmaja. Of course, we paid 2 times than matarmaja, so we will have some comfort things. Overall its better. *ibaratnya nih ya, kaki diselonjorin panjang itu bisa banget* Aha! About the price list of foods in train, I will post it separat