Amsterdam Central Station Ini pertama kalinya pakai debit Jenius di luar negeri. Pemakaian ini menggunakan sumber dana EUR yang ada di aplikasi. Jadi uang yang keluar adalah uang EUR, bukan IDR. Untuk buka rekening valas di Jenius, tinggal ditambahkan saja bagian buka akun valas lalu pilih kurs yang diinginkan. Di kasus ini gw punya rekening EUR di Jenius yang ditujukan untuk transaksi di Eropa. Karena kemarin lagi di Belanda, akhirnya pengen coba pakai debit card Jenius karena EDC di Belanda belum tentu bisa untuk kartu kredit saja. Sebelum digunakan tentunya jangan lupa untuk menyambungkan kartu debit ke rekening mata uang asingnya biar sumber pengeluaran juga langsung dari tabungan valas itu. Tinggal klik klik aja kok. Tibalah saatnya menggunakan mata uang EUR yang sudah kubeli dari Jenius. Waktu itu gw pakainya di Schipol, di dua toko berbeda, dan keduanya nggak bisa tap langsung. Jadi harus insert kartu, tentu bukan masalah. Karena terbiasa dengan transaksi...
She is one of my best. Call her Maya. Teman seperjuangan lah
istilahnya ya, dari jaman SMP, SMA, Kuliah bahkan setelah lulus. We met when we
were 14. Sorry, I mean I was 14 and she was 15 (she will get mad if I mention
about the age difference hahah). Age is just a number anyway.
First time I knew her when we were classmate in 8th
grade of middle high school. At that time, that was the best class. Yea I can
tell I was smart (even now hahaha), and she does. So we were a classmate since
then. Almost everyone knows her since she is really good at English. Always ‘on
duty’ for English debate or something like that. But ok, first impression
wasn’t good for both of us. Really.
My first impression when I saw her like ‘hmm, can you shut
up?? You are so noisy’. But her for me ‘hmm she is the daughter of teacher
here, she must be so arrogant. Ihh I don’t want to make a friend with her’. Nah
not so good for both of us. Both of us never want to be a friend each other.
Till something happen. I will write in Indonesian so I can get the feeling
Suatu ketika ada PR matematika kelas 2 SMP. Kebetulan mata
pelajaran itu ada di jam setelah istirahat. Jadi masih ada waktu sebelum
istirahat untuk mengerjakannya. Kebetulan lagi, dia belum mengerjakan dan saya
sudah mengerjakan. Banyak yang nyontek PR saya, terus dia nanya ke saya, pengen
nyontek juga, ehhh saya bentak-bentak dia. Akhirnya dia juga ngerasa marah
dong. Ngerasa kayak nggak dihargai gitu, dan saya juga waktu itu bad mood
banget, eh ditanyain begituan sama dia. Yawes kita nggak ngobrol banget dan nggak
saling tegur sapa akrab. Sampai ketika suatu saat kenaikan kelas 3, eh kita
sekelas lagi.
Feels like ‘ehh why we are in same class again now?’. But
yeah, seems that destiny of us is started. That time, we both already forget
about the things happen in last year, but still we can’t be a friend yet. I sat
next to other friend and she was my classmate since 7th grade. So we
were 3 years in the same classroom in middle high, call her Novia but I call
her Dora (she is one of my best friend as well, will write about her next
time). I choose to sit next to her since I know her better than knowing Maya.
She sat down next to other person but they didn’t have a good conversation
since that time, her friends only talk about having boyfriend while she is not
really into it. So she came to my group, me and Dora. Actually we are 5. Me,
Maya, Novia, Radin, Dina. This friendship is began when we were 14.
Time runs so fast. We were preparing for studying in
university. Novia choose to be a midwife, while Radin choose to study English,
Dina choose to study psychology, but Radin and Dina wasn’t so sure that they
will be accepted in good university in Malang. The same university that we
choose. Maya actually doesn’t really sure if she can study at university but I
don’t know why, that time I told her
“hey, don’t worry, we will be accepted in same university, we will live
in same house in Malang. Trust me. Just believe we can make it”. And finally we
saw the announcement and we both got accepted in same university. Me studying
mathematics and her studying Deutch.
That is why I believe why we have to be so optimist,
positive and really sure that we can make something happen. Dan terkadang
omongan yang asal ceplas ceplos itu kejadian beneran lho.
Finally, for another years we were living in same roof,
in Malang. Yeah, know each other for years already and then for another years
when we were studying at same university. It just like a miracle. Where I could
find someone (and some people actually), who doesn’t have a blood ties but
feels like family more.
No no, our relationship is not as smooth as we can
imagine. I mean, even we are very close to each other, but we are normal people
who have problems as well. We were mad to each other, were crazy to same thing
together, were doing every things together, were having bad and good times
together, we all feel it. Smile, laugh, confuse, crazy, tears, we all feel it.
Yes yes we feel it together. It doesn’t like ‘oh you both so close to each
other, but why you both feel angry to each other? You have to be nice to each
other’. It is life and we live our life. We don’t have drama in life (she likes
to dramatize it sometimes, but that’s her and that’s the reason why she have me
I didn’t have boyfriend when I live in Malang. Had it
when I was studying at university but then broke up and wasn’t in a relationship
for years. So we always be together all the time. At university, when we were
hang out, even when we are teaching together in same institute. Well…doesn’t
mean I don’t have any other friends. We both have, and we know almost all our
friends, but yes I am with her all the time till our friends and colleagues
no!!!! I don’t have boyfriend but doesn’t mean I am lesbian. Even if I am
lesbian, I will chose someone better than her hahahah!!
We both enjoy the time together. Also become crazy
together, learn everything together, we have the same thoughts together till it’s
like when we saw something, we knew what’s on our mind. It must be the same
things on mind. I don’t know why and how, but it like the ties getting deeper,
since I consider her like my own sister (OLDER SISTER). She is wise person (but
sometimes I am wiser hahah). I know her well and so does her, knows me well. Yes
like a family.
We had quarrels a lot but we also have a good and crazy
time together, even more often. We all just a human being. Always try to be
nice and respect to each other. And of course, love to each other as a best friend.
You know how I always make you upset, make you questioning
things, but I never have any intention to do that.
I am sorry for always make you worry, and thank you for
always loving me as your family.
Dedicated to my beloved friend, Maya.
picture was taken last week
*merasa aneh memanggil NAMAMU MAYA*
Bahasa inggrisnya bagus mbak. Kuliah jurusan bahasa inggris yah?
ReplyDeleteCuman keliatan banget, inggrisnya versi Indonesia, hahaha.
Orag popo mbak
Huahahahahahah iya mas masih sering diomelin si pacar gara2 enggresnya amburadyulll hahahahah
DeleteYg pnting brani yakkk hehehe
Kuliah jurusan angka2 mas hoho
Dih, matematik-__-'
DeleteNgomong mah gak perlu grammar, gak peduli apapun accentnya yang penting yang diajak ngomong mudeng. Inggris saya aja javanese english, hahaha
yu no lah wot ai min...
Nah iyaaa bener, klo masih ga paham juga bs pake bhsa tubuh kok ahahaah
DeleteAi no wat you min mennnn