Moscow Yes, all things I have and I do right now is all the things that I have written down on papers, during my sleeps, in my consciousness, in my visions. So let's do that again here. I have another dream that I really think of. It's the thing I want to do when I have so much money, or enough money, or when money doesn't matter anymore, or who knows! I wanna build a school for kids who can't afford to go to school. I want them to pay nothing, and I want them to learn the basic things like how to respect others, how to tell people their ideas/opinions, familiarize them with being kind, how to think logically, how to solve problems, etc. All the basic survival things in life. I think my passion is always in education, but I don't always like to follow the old-school rules. There are so many important things we don't learn at school that I think should be taught there. Once we graduate from school, we usually don't know how to navigate life. Who taught you...
I signed up in an international portal since I was at high school. I was a quiet one, not much talk especially with stranger. But since that day, I feel myself get easier to talk to strangers. In that portal, there are several options why you join there, including 'flirting', that is shown on the optional boxes. And I found something interesting, snailmail. I never heard about this before, but I thought it is like a mail that goes slower because snail always walking so slow. Then someone chatted me and told me that she want to snailmail. I asked her what is that and she said 'it is postcard swapping'.
Wow.. postcard swapping.. my granny and I did it long time ago before mobile phone was invented. Well I mean before we all use mobile phone to connect to each other. I have family in The Netherlands, and we only have a phone, if we call them using home phone it would cost a lot for even few minutes. So expensive to call for 5 minutes by phone. Then the only way to keep in touch with family in NL without worrying to pay a lot is writing a letter.
We swap letter periodically. Well.. I couldn't say that we always do it once a month because we never know when our letter reach our family. Sometimes it needs 2 weeks, sometimes a month, even 3 months. So we have to be patient to wait for the next post man come to our home and bring a letter.
That was so cute. I mean when we want to tell them about how our daily life goes, it would be so interesting. But for urgent matters like death, or one of our family is dying then we have to call them directly by phone.
That was years ago when I was in elementary school.
Technology is growing day by day and we start to leave the old ways to say hello. We start to using SMS by mobile phone years ago, we still writing letter but send it through email with one click to send and one click to read, and nowadays we are using Whatsapp. Although we still swapping for the cards for Christmas and Ied Fitri, only for that occasions.
Last time I got a letter from family in NL, it was when the old brother of my grandma is died. The letter arrive a month after the day of his death. Gladly one of family from Jakarta call and tell us about this bad news. So we knew it before the letter arrived.
I start to miss this thing. Swapping letter. Until a friend of mine far away asking me to swap a letter. I couldn't really remember from where, but I got a lot letters from Japan, Russia, Germany, America, Africa etc. It is giving me a pleasure to feel something old and unique again.
We often swap something like postcards, pictures, even money (unused old and unique currency). Small things that I have inside the small envelop is something nice. It will take time of course to get the letter but still I love to wait it. I don't know maybe I am just a weirdo but I like something about old days. Something that make you feel come back to years ago, to feel the euphoria that day where that thing were famous that day.
So, I enjoy it, to swap the letters. I didn't do it this whole year although I still got the letters. But didn't reply them yet. I miss to do it again. Maybe I will use this weekend to write them back all.
was taken at Museum Angkut years ago. taken using my old unique phone
Wow.. postcard swapping.. my granny and I did it long time ago before mobile phone was invented. Well I mean before we all use mobile phone to connect to each other. I have family in The Netherlands, and we only have a phone, if we call them using home phone it would cost a lot for even few minutes. So expensive to call for 5 minutes by phone. Then the only way to keep in touch with family in NL without worrying to pay a lot is writing a letter.
We swap letter periodically. Well.. I couldn't say that we always do it once a month because we never know when our letter reach our family. Sometimes it needs 2 weeks, sometimes a month, even 3 months. So we have to be patient to wait for the next post man come to our home and bring a letter.
That was so cute. I mean when we want to tell them about how our daily life goes, it would be so interesting. But for urgent matters like death, or one of our family is dying then we have to call them directly by phone.
two of my besties
That was years ago when I was in elementary school.
Technology is growing day by day and we start to leave the old ways to say hello. We start to using SMS by mobile phone years ago, we still writing letter but send it through email with one click to send and one click to read, and nowadays we are using Whatsapp. Although we still swapping for the cards for Christmas and Ied Fitri, only for that occasions.
Last time I got a letter from family in NL, it was when the old brother of my grandma is died. The letter arrive a month after the day of his death. Gladly one of family from Jakarta call and tell us about this bad news. So we knew it before the letter arrived.
I start to miss this thing. Swapping letter. Until a friend of mine far away asking me to swap a letter. I couldn't really remember from where, but I got a lot letters from Japan, Russia, Germany, America, Africa etc. It is giving me a pleasure to feel something old and unique again.
only two letters in frame
So, I enjoy it, to swap the letters. I didn't do it this whole year although I still got the letters. But didn't reply them yet. I miss to do it again. Maybe I will use this weekend to write them back all.
Wow, you did that? Even had alot Friends by that? Eh, cuma mau bilang salut.. Terakhir terima surat udah bertahun2 yang lalu dari teman sekolah yang pindah keluar kota. I missed the stamp #lol
ReplyDeletehahah seru lho. Kadang nyebelin juga sih kalo kelamaan dan ternyata nyasar 😂😂
DeleteItu salah satu resikonya. Tapi biar telat tetap senang kan?#akujuga
DeleteAhah iyakkk seneng banget kayak nemu apaaaa gt haha
DeleteSuka snailmail juga?
Terus kapan mbak aku dapet surat berisikan cek 1 milyar darimu?????
ReplyDeletesek tak mintak duit 1milyar dulu ya. Jgn lupa kirimin alamtnya 😝
Delete1 milyar dolar zimbabwe tapi ya 😌
DeleteRag sekalian duit gambar barbie?? -___-'
Ciehh yang sekarang blognya banyak pengunjungnya gara-gara sering tak komen, ihiiirrrr
hemmm nggak helo kitty aja ta? Biar matching sama cincinnya 😋
DeleteSik sik tak sujud dulu ke mas mas satu ini yg sering komen dan ninggiin traffic 🙇🏼
Wah kalau artikel bahasa inggris, terus terang saya gagal paham deh... hehe..
ReplyDeleteLanjutkan, pasti dilirik mbah google untuk dipasang adsense nih...
Haha berkala aja mang, kalo pas mood. Ini jg dikoreksi sama si mas, biasanya dia yg bagian marah2in kalo salah haha
DeleteOooo bs yak? Hemm heemm hemmm lumayan kali ya
Pokoke aku entok 10% nek sampean entok duet seko adsense.
Yaelah mas, zakat aja cuman 2,5% lho mas
Deletelook like a machine tik and old phone, wkwk ngerti gak mba :v
ReplyDeleteKekekeke iya mesin ketik emang haha
DeleteUdah ngerti2in aja, berpahala lho bikin orang laen seneng haha
Hi, just visited this awesome blog. The first time, Eheheu
ReplyDeleteI'm also a kind of quiet and awkward person. I don't talk much to stranger, Idk what kinda topic I have to talk with them. lol
I love oldies things as well, sending a letter, postcards, using vintage stuff etc. I found it's cool.
Loving oldies things doesn't mean we're old, it is even make us look classy, imho sih heheh~
hi... totally agree with 'make us look classy' really yes yes yessss haha
Deleteakkk kita rupanya sukanya samaan yak :)
thanks for visiting this 'awesome' blog hahah