It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves. So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them. This contains spoiler of course. Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born. The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....
This is Mario. Picture taken from Penshoppe
Ngomong-ngomong soal pendekatan personal, yang paling saya
suka kan Thailand ya, saking sayangnya pokoknya diduluin deh ini kalo ada
apa-apa. Sampe rela ngerjain yang bukan bagianku karena pengen kelar dan punya
hubungan baek dengan mereka semua yang berujung pada beberapa barang kiriman
user sana.
Nah minggu kemaren ini, ada manager sana yang tiba-tiba
hubungi gara-gara harus routing lagi biar dia bisa approve lagi. Aku selalu set
up ‘red light’ yang artinya sibuk, dan tanda halus ‘jangan ganggu’ haahaa. Eh
tiba-tiba dia tanya apa aku sibuk tiap hari karena tiap hari selalu merah, ya
aku bilang aja iya. Soalnya kerjanya dibagi 2 untuk beberapa affiliates. Nggak
biasanya lho dia seramah itu, eh dia trus bilang ‘Keep on good work Prisca,
people here admires you a lot’. Itu hari dari pagi mood lagi jelek banget, dan
langsung nyesssss ademmmm banget pas dia bilang gitu di ujung jam pulang kerja.
Bener-bener ngerasa dihargai banget.
Besoknya, ada user satu yang manja banget, sukanya manggil
sweetheart, my lovely, apalah pokoknya semua sebutan orang pacaran dibilang
semua deh. Dia ini cewek, dia kalo mau submit kerjaannya pasti bilang dulu
semacem ijin gitu. padahal submit ya submit aja kan, toh nanti juga nongol di
reportku. Beberapa waktu itu emang sering bikinin punya dia yang seabrek. Eh
trus diakhir dia bilang ‘you really help me a lot. Love youuuu my lovely. Tell
me when you come to Thailand, I will take you everywhere and eating in famous
place. Also take you to meet Mario. The real Mario. I am serious, I will ask my
relation to look at Mario schedule when the day you come and ask him to see you’.
Aku ngakak! Mario itu, Mario Maurer, artis Thailand yang unyu banget. Sebenernya
nggak begitu ngefans sih, tapi dari Thailand yang aku tau ya dia ini. Beberapa
filmnya itu bagus soalnya.
Setelah itu, aku pun merasa, ‘ohh.. mereka beneran tulus
ternyata’. Temen satu tim heran kenapa aku bisa sedeket itu dengan user
affiliates sampe bisa ‘nggosip’ karena mereka yang dibicarain ya cuman kerjaan,
tapi aku bisa lebih dari itu.
When she said that
people there admires me a lot, I realize something priceless. That happiness
comes from a simple thing. That they accept me and comfortable with me, that
they treat me as a ‘human’. So if someone ask me again what is biggest
achievement in work life, that is my biggest achievement.
It’s all about saying ‘please
help’ and ‘thank you’ in the end 😄
Thats nice way of saying that. Jarang lho ada yang bisa connect kek gitu. Kebiasaan to the point, biasanya orang. Kalo aku, aku nggak nolak diajak ketemuan sama Mario..#hahaha..
ReplyDeleteHuahaha aku juga ga nolak ditemuin sama mario hahaha
DeleteYaa mgkn krn kebiasaan deketin orang pake hati kali ya, nyambungnya jd gampang hehe
Si Mario Maurer ini juga digandrungi banget di Filipin (gak nyambung)
ReplyDeletebtw aku masih sering terharu sama iklan2 asyik dari Thailand, terutama iklan asuransi jiwa, daleeem
Hahaha yg sukanya smua tentang filipin yaaaa
Deletepas buka blognya, gilaaa langsung tereak aaaaaaaa gantengnyaaa hihi
ReplyDeleteHohohoh nampol ya gantengnya
DeleteCepetan mbak minta deposito aja !!!
ReplyDeleteTolong ajarin dong. Kan situ yg hobi narget deposito, cek satu milyar sama ciki sepabrik