It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves. So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them. This contains spoiler of course. Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born. The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....
8 March, I told my supervisor that I am going to resign
Agak kasian sama penerusnya, karena emang baru 2 minggu kerja eh langsung ditinggal. Yaudah deh pokoknya udah diajari poin-poinnya. Tinggal dia aja nerusin.
Jam 5 kurang dikit, saya kirim email perpisahan ke semua user saya. Ke semua anak-anak saya yang ada di Thailand, India, Bangladesh. Terutama sih Thailand, itu bener-bener baru lair saya yang handle sampe hari kamis kemarin. Rasanya berat banget. But yeah...
Dear Colleagues,
This is my last day here. I would like to say billion of thanks for every chances, opportunity, supports, for every efforts while we are working together. It was so great to work with you all. Thank you for trusting me, thank you for the surprises (no days without surprises from you guys), thank you for every laugh, thank you for treat me good as your own friend, thank you for make my days, thank you for the lessons (I've learn a lot from you all), thank you for the days we've been through together, thank you for everything.
We all share good and bad things together. I do apologize for every mistakes that I made. I am sure I made a lot.
Good luck for you all. Let's keep in touch,
Jam lima lebih dikit, kita foto-foto, skalian dikasih hadiah perpisahan gitu lah. Saya berusaha nggak nangis tapi ternyata banjiiiirrrrrrrr. Nggak kuat, banjir deh. Mewek maksimal sampe nggak bisa ngomong. Saya yakin saya orang paling cengeng pas perpisahan ini. So emotionally, sampe diketawain HJ. Dikiranya nangis kenapa hahahha
dua cece yang membantu dari awal, bener-bener belajar dari bayi sama dua cece ini. Yang satunya ngajarin dasarnya, yang satunya temen sekomplotan se tim dan juga belajar banyak dari dia. Komplotan makan sianggggg
Yang bikin berat yaaaa.... I've found new friends here. Bener-bener temen-temen baek yang melindungi, mendorong ke hal positif, bener-bener baek deh pokoknya. Sampe ada seorang temen bilang, 'Aku pulang duluan, aku nggak mau nganter kamu pergi. Males aku. Aku nggak tega dan aku nggak mau. Kamu temen baikku dan aku nggak rela liat kamu pergi". Beneran dia pulang, nggak ikutan foto-foto.
Januar si 'baby sitter' pengganti yang aku titipin anak-anak yang lucu imut-imut
I am blessed. I am loved. And I am so lucky. This is what you get when you do everything with heart 💙
ReplyDeletesedih ya mbak....
aku juga inget kurang dua bulan lagi resign
bakal banjir air mata sama anak2 -_-
Hayooo... Mau pindah ke filipin yaaaa 😋
DeleteFarewell emg gak mengasyikkan 😢
You're so blessed, sepertinya satu kantor sayang ya sama kamu :')
ReplyDeleteIya mbak, I am happy that I am blessed and am loved ❤️ Yang artinya aku pnya ruang dihati mereka 😁
DeleteGw malah awal maret kemaret baru pindah kantor baru, hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI need new challenge !
Haha selamatttt! Piye? Enak kantor baru? Tantangannya gmn? Asyique?
Deletegaweane akeh bgt, hahaha