It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves. So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them. This contains spoiler of course. Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born. The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....
Sebelum menginjakkan kaki di Istanbul, jelas lah kita napak kaki dulu di bandaranya ya. Soale kita terbang cui, kecuali kalo kita jalur darat dari Siria uhhh. Okay... kali ini saya cuma nulis hal-hal yang tampak mata dan nggak semuanya menyenangkan tentang Istanbul. Kotanya cantik sih, saya akui cantik dan saya suka apalagi sejarahnya. Nah pertama kita napak kaki dulu di bandara ya. Sumpah demi apapun, antrian customnya panjang banget. Mungkin sekali antrian kita ma Eh tapi ada lho yang begitu. sedih liatnya. suk, kita harus menanti ratusan orang didepan kita. Kita 2 kali antri custom sekitar 20 menit. Termasuk leletnya petugas imigrasi cek visa dan paspor kita. Suami sih prosesnya cepet (mungkin karena doi orang EU ya), saya butuh hmmm 3-5 menit ketika pertama kali masuk imigrasi Istanbul. Sampai depan mas loket imigrasi juga deg deg ser, jangan sampe lah suruh balik visa suruh pake VoA bisa nangis ditempat ini. Antrinya panjang bener. Singapura juga rame lho, tapi cepet prose...