It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves. So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them. This contains spoiler of course. Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born. The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....
I lived in Surabaya for almost 2 years, but it didn't give me chance to explore the heritage or even do the historical walking tour there. Nope, too busy and too hot. Too busy to eat pentol gila 😎
pentol gila
Last week I came to Surabaya for lunch with my friends, and of course to eat foods that are not available in Malang, then wander around some historical places there. I came little bit late there and it was so hot. And it surprised me because they turn Siola into small museum. Curious about that, we decide to see what is inside the museum.
But first, we wander around Jalan Gula. My friend really curious about that road since it is so famous for photography addict. The place is around Kembang Jepun. There you will see some old buildings with Chinese and Dutch style. This area was Chinese and Arab neighborhood when Dutch was still here. Jalan Gula was suikerstraat which is translated into bahasa afterwards, is a small road. It surprised me that this road is only an old road with old building around, but not much history I can tell about it even in a big book about Surabaya. I can't really found it. But there you can see some Chinese temple for worship (I saw one temple for family but it is not really well taken care of. Typically Indonesia, they left old heritage buildings like a trash. It should be restored. Oh hey, Arab and Chinese were living in same neighborhood? They must be work together before independence day huh? 😎
the road is as narrow as this
tanned even more
Oh remember if you want to take photo in Jalan Gula, you must be careful because some trucks or motorcycles are passing there. So you have to wait and be careful.
Then we moved around Jalan Tunjungan. And Siola is turning into museum and kind of mall for public services. So there you will see some places for banks, samsat and other things. So we need to go to the left to enter the museum. It is definitely really small. There is a 'gate' and a guest book. unfortunately in guest book there is also a comment column that you should write it after you visit the museum. It should be put in exit gate. Well... enter and exit gate is the same, but at least put it little bit to the right so they can put a proper comments there. Or put something that says like 'fill the guest book after you came inside', something like that. Because most comments I saw was like 'I didn't even come inside, how can I give you a comment?'. There I wrote, 'Let me come first then I'll give you comment about that'. Guess my comment about the museum is written here completely lol
the gate with the guest book
first thing you'll see
So there you will see some old documents related to birth and marriage certificate since 1800s, some books probably about city documents, some old games which is rare to be seen played now (dakon, egrang, lompat tali), some old school stuff like desk that is typically my elementary school's desk, an old report for high school that are mostly born around 1920's, there also some old hospital things like wheelchair, place for labor, surgery and stuff, some old money of course, old and new paintings about the city, some old cupboard and safe box.
birth log
old elementary school desk
ganteng ya? kek artis sumpah
you can see this mirror a lot in Majapahit Hotel
simpangsche societeit was a place where Dutch people held party, dance and gathering around (tempat kongkow nya orang belanda dulu). Now it is called Balai Pemuda and is still used for meeting place as well as wedding ceremony.
mini gamelan
marriage log (how can you read this book with that handwriting lol)
guess it's like archive about the city
real old money
typically old kitchen in kampoong/village
typically old mug
serem ga sih?
old wheelchair
old puppet
We spent half hour inside, then we decided to walk around till Oranje Hotel (Hotel Majapahit). We walk around there and surprised by Dinas Perhubungan who deflate the tires around the corner which has a 'Dont Stop' sign. That is my first time to see it in front of me and I ask him questions : (but before he already curse the cars there by saying that they are so stupid didn't even understand the traffic signs)
he was making instastory lol
'Do they need to pay fine for this?'
'Will you lock the tires?'
'No, here we only deflate the tire and put this sticker'
'How many tire?'
'Only one'
'WHY only one? I can help you to deflate it sir. Happily'
'Hahaha no its ok, we only do it for a tire so next they wont do it again'
'Oh yea hopefully they wont'
old toendjoengan
the day when they ripped the blue part off (guess so)
Tunjungan now
I dont think the lamp is old but it give you the old antique vibe
We walked about 10,000 steps that day. Plus more walk inside the mall 😁
I really like to see those in the back, the history that happened in the place where my feet step on it. I am glad to be alive now, where I can see those as a history, not as my own experiences that I probably personally tell my kids and grand kids in the future. Why do I become such a history nerd? lol
Whatever it is, JASMERAH. Jangan Sekali-kali Meninggalkan Sejarah.
old pictures of Tunjungan was taken from book : SOERABAJA - Beeld van een stad
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