Terasa seperti ini, Gunung Baturnya ada tapi nggak keliatan. Sistemnya ada, tapi masih berkabut. Katanya sih berlaku sejak tanggal 17 Desember 2024, bersamaan dengan semua perubahan seperti paspor dan biayanya. Karena harus perpanjang ITAS di akhir tahun, gw sudah kontak mereka dan bilang "Oh bisa extend via website." Di websitenya agak membingungkan buat pemula karena ada beberapa bagian. Bagian yang paling mentereng adalah bagian APPLY , yang mana ini harus digunakan untuk orang yang belum pernah apply ITAS . Sejenis untuk mendapatkan TELEX visa dulu yang nantinya dikonversi ke ITAS. Perlu dicatat ini adalah ITAS dengan pasangan Indonesia sebagai sponsor ya. Tentunya perlu penjamin yang apply VITAS dll sebelum ke ITAS. Apply sebagai penjamin bisa di website yang sama. Tapi kalau apply sendiri bisa dengan menggunakan "Personal". Setelah masuk ke website imigrasi dengan menggunakan ID Penjamin, bagian HOME akan tampil beberapa hal. Nah, bagian Extend ITAS tuh a...
Happy New Year 2018 everybody!
Kinda late huh? I just got back from seeing my husband, so
like usual… I stopped all of my activities when I am with my husband.
Either blogging or responding messages on my social media (but I don’t stop on Instagraming
hehe). That is the way I respect and appreciate my time together with my
So… everybody has made their 2018’s resolutions?
I am here to make my own list for 2018. About what I want to
do in 2018 :
Be healthier,
smarter, sexier, happier. It’s like in one package lol
Read 2 books every
month. I hope I can make it. I really hope in a year I can read at least 24
books. I put this reading challenge on goodreads. I hope it helps. (I am now
reading 1984 by George Orwell, already 1/3 of the book).
Doing sport. I extremely lazy for doing sport so I hope I can make it and
doing this.
Write more good
stuff. 2 years ago I wanted to write as much as I can. About the quantity,
now I want more about quality. I hope so
Be able to speak another
language. So far… I learn Dutch but but but yea still so basic. So I hope I
can make it this year, to be able to speak this language with my parents in
law. This is also part of fixing my silly English.
Blog-walking more. I
feel so bad that when I can’t visit other people’s blogs 😩 I promised will do it
more now.
Reduce my addiction
to internet (or social media). I am not social media junkie but I think I
want to reduce the usage of it. I see no point of having so many applications
for chatting only for some specific people, like Line only 2-3 people, BBM only
for 4 people (I delete my BBM already, it was used for work). I think everybody
on Whatsapp now. So this is my main messenger now. But I will not reduce my
internet usage for blogging and watching series. I also considered to delete my
Facebook. I need internet just to make sure he is safe and ok, I feel like I am less stress when I am not connected to social media.
Earn my own money
again. I think it’s enough to be jobless for almost a year now. So it’s
time to earn money again for myself and future.
Do something new and
challenging. About this, I prefer not to write in detail haha!
Don't give a shit anymore! This is also I prefer not to write in detail 😌
Live together with my
husband and build a family. I am not sure when I will be able to live
together with him, so I just want to put this on 2018 wish-list. Even if this
is not gonna happen in 2018, then let it be a wish-list for 2019 and another
year in future.
2018, Please be my year 💗
So I think that’s all. I will always add more if I want too 😄
Happy new year!
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