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Showing posts from August, 2018

Book: The Midnight Library

It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves.  So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them.  This contains spoiler of course.  Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born.    The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....

About Pregnancy

Nope! I am not pregnant yet. I just want to talk about pregnancy where people here will consider normal if you get it as soon as possible (or not delaying). Well... I guess I become more flexible nowadays for reasons. We talked in a group and a friend asked about another friend's pregnancy to another friend. Do you get what I mean? Let say friend A ask friend B about friend C whether she is pregnant yet. Instead of asking directly to friend C, friend A chose to ask friend B. I ask why... friend A said that she is afraid that it is not appropriate to ask her directly because she is afraid that friend C might get offended or mad of that pregnancy question (which is like an obligatory question to newlywed). Friend C is married for almost 5 years I believe, so far I know she has no baby yet. Friend A said that she got really offended when people ask her about pregnancy in her first month of marriage. I simply said 'If you get offended then don't try to offend your friend w...

Ke Kampoeng Heritage Malang Yuk!

  Beberapa waktu yang lalu, salah satu teman ini nanya "Lu tau kampung heritage nggak? Yang ada di Malang?" Hohhh dimana yo?? Kagak tau dah. Nah pas maen kerumah temen, tak disangka tak dinyana rumah Desi disitu! Ya baru ngeh soalnya baru ada tulisan "WISATA KAMPOENG HERITAGE MALANG" di tembok depan rumah Desi. Beberapa kali kesana kok nggak ngeh kalo ada tulisan itu 😂   tulisan ini lho! Sumpah nggak ngeh 😂 tapi kata Desi emang baru sih    nama-nama permainan jaman lawas. yang rumah kuning itu rumah 1870 tercatat sebagai rumah tertua di kampung ini gobak sodor apa go back to door hayoo??   rumah penghulu     Bulan April lalu, ada event di Kota Malang judulnya #SaveMalangHeritage. Berniat datang kesana, tapi ternyata gw bangun kesiangan 😅 not a morning person anymore btw. Yasudah acara lewat gitu aja. Nah kan minggu kemaren ini karena gw udah tau kalau rumah Desi ada di dalem Kampoeng Heritage, jadilah gw kesana b...

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan

  Selamat hari kemerdekaan negeriku. Meskipun usiamu baru (sudah) 73 tahun, tetaplah berjuang melawan kebobrokan yang dilakukan para oknum bangsa ini. Kalau dilihat kebelakang, usia 73 tahun ini usia pensiun buat manusia. Tapi hell no untuk sebuah bangsa. Ini usia mateng-matengnya, produktif-produktifnya untuk menghasilkan sesuatu yang keren. Meskipun pula di usia yang sama, Korea Selatan udah super maju sedangkan kita gini-gini aja masih banyak koruptornya, saya percaya tiap bangsa juga punya timeline nya masing-masing. Ibarat kata temen kamu usia 23 udah punya 2 anak sedangkan kamu usia 27 belum juga nikah, so what? Hidup bukan balapan 😂 Disaat Korea Selatan udah bisa impor Kpopnya ke seluruh dunia, hape Samsungnya yang menguasai sebagian besar pasar dunia, internet super cepat yang bahkan belum diklik aja udah jalan, kita gimana? Masih berkutat berkelut dengan yang namanya isu politik agama dan ras. ternyata kita cukup rasis ya? 😐 Bahkan seringkali gw tengkar sama su...

Perihal Ganti Paspor Biasa ke EPaspor

  Masa aktif paspor lama gw bakal abis bulan Februari tahun depan. Secara otomatis gantinya harus 6 bulan sebelumnya yaitu bulan Agustus ini. Akhirnya setelah cek antrian online, dapet tanggal 3 Agustus. Kenapa ganti ke epaspor? Ya karena udah jamannya aja kan. Orang ketemu temen Singapore aja diece-ece gara-gara paspor gw masih yang biasa. Dibilangnya "Lu idup taun brapa sih? paspor aja masih yang biasa!" Hemm kampret! Gw agak ragu soal ganti paspor ini. Kalau ganti kan cuma bawa paspor lama sama eKTP aja. Tapi ragunya itu hanya berlaku antar paspor biasa atau antar epaspor atau gimana? Karena gw  ganti dari paspor biasa ke epaspor . Kabarnya kalau dari paspor biasa itu mau ke epaspor harus proses bikin lagi dari awal. Karena kegalauan itu, akhirnya gw bawa semua data fotokopi dan asli buat paspor baru, dengan harapan sih ga bakal ngulang proses. Sampai lupa naro akta lahir dimana dan inget kalo ijazah bisa dipake juga, yaudah lah pasrah aja kali ya. Appointment gw jam 1...

Dealing With Mental Retardation Student (2)

  It's the third week of my class with this special student. Basically the third meeting with him. My first impression is written here if you haven't read it yet. I am trying to keep update about teaching him here because he is so special for me. Definitely, he is. So when we had our second meeting, I hoped that he got something surprising for me. And he had one. At the first meeting, he couldn't even differentiate between negative and positive integers, that positive integers always bigger than the negative ones. I had to tell him like 10 times (it's not exaggerating) But at the second meeting, he could! Can you imagine how happy I am? But he can't understand the comparison between negative integers like negative 3 is bigger than negative 5 because he still thinks that 3 is smaller than 5 in any conditions including negative integers. That is okay, he showed me the progress of being able to say that negative integers are always smaller than positive ones. ...

Body Shaming?

  Born as Indonesian makes you having a naturally tanned skin, right? Maybe a long time ago you weren't happy about being born with a tanned skin, or maybe you still don't? A long time ago, I don't like my skin colour. A lot of my friends having their bright white skin colour, supported by whitening advertisements, this made me feel ugly. Even though some people said that beautiful isn't caused by your skin colour but your characters and attitude (and some more cliche things that can't be seen). Really? But apparently, whitening cream doesn't work for me, at all. It never works. Just never works. So I start to feel that why don't I embrace my natural skin colour? I don't really hate it but people kept saying that 'Hmmm you are a girl, your skin should be bright and white so that boys will consider you as a beautiful girl'. When I think about that, make me laugh now. How crazy that thought was. Slowly but sure, am happy with my skin colou...

Nggak Bisa Bahasa Inggris?

Bosen kali ya gw sering nulis soal beginian. Tapi kali ini (lagi-lagi) gw  liat sendiri kalo ternyata  minat generasi muda menguasai Bahasa Inggris masih jauh dari harapan. Jujur gw mulai demen Bahasa Inggris sejak SMP. SD gw ga bisa sama sekali, tapi masuk SMP semacem gw dapet ilham gitu. Belajarnya lebih gampang dan lebih nyantol aja. Karena gw juga mikir, banyak keluarga gw yang bisa Bahasa Inggris dan sebagian tinggal di Belanda sana, masa iya ntar kalo ketemu nggak bisa ngobrol kan nggak asik. Tantangannya simple ketika kita bisa ngobrol (atau berusaha) ngobrol Bahasa Inggris, mereka yang nggak bisa dan nggak mau bicara Bahasa Inggris bakal nyinyir dan bilang kalau kamu nggak nasionalis karena nggak pakai Bahasa Indonesia. Atau kalau nggak gitu, emang Bahasa Indonesia kamu udah bagus sampai kamu belajar bahasa asing?? Screw em. Gw sendiri levelnya masih level intermediate (6 dari 16, based on EF placement test ) tapi gw masih dan tetep belajar karena target gw bis...

Dealing With Mental Retardation Student

  I am back. Teaching mathematics classes and handling home-schooling students. And one of my students is having a mental retardation. His IQ is only 64. For standard normal IQ will be at range 90-120. I was warned by the owner not to teach things too fast. Because he will not be able to follow what you say. Just do it slowly and get his attention first. To be honest I was nervous because this will be my first time having this kind of student. It will be a big challenge for me. I didn't even know how to start the class or what should I prepare. But, I consider myself as a lucky one because he is so sweet, friendly and showed me enthusiasm even though when I asked what did he remember about previous mathematics he only remembers KPK, FPB, multiplication table, and a few of math formulas. It's for the 7th grade student, I had to teach him integers (negative and positive). It's definitely his first time learning about negative integers. A challenge came when I trie...