It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves. So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them. This contains spoiler of course. Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born. The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....
I know this is so normal but anyway I like to compare the experiences because people might have different cases and because I have nothing to lose so... here's my experience for applying Schengen Visa via Swiss (VFS).
Kenapa nggak via Belanda? Karena rencana kita berkunjung lamanya ke Geneve - Swiss (ada urusan kerjaan suami gw) dan kami belum tau akan ke Belanda apa nggak saat itu (nggak jadi sih soalnya mepet banget).
Seperti yang sudah sering dibahas orang lain perihal syarat dan ketentuan apply Schengen visa, gw nggak akan nulis itu ya. Udah ada di website VFS, lengkap. Gw cuma tambahin dikit-dikit aja infonya yang mungkin sama seperti kasus yang baca kalo emang kebetulan sama sih 😂
"Ok jadi total pembayarannya 280 ribu rupiah ya"
"HAH?? Cuma 200an mbak??? Visanya gratis???"
"Suaminya masih WN Belanda kan mbak?"
"Oiya itu gratis, bisa pake visa tipe C. Jadi cuma bayar biaya admin aja"
"Mulai kapan mbak?"
"Udah lama mbak, emang gitu ada kelonggaran untuk yang memiliki pasangan orang Eropa"
Mbaknya nggak ngomong jenis visanya sih, gw sendiri yang cari akhirnya.
Jadi, suami gw yang WN Belanda menjadi salah satu perks gw bisa dapet gratis Schengen visa dan hanya membayar biaya administrasinya aja sebesar 200-300k rupiah aja. Ternyata hal ini sudah tertera di website VFS dengan Schengen visa type C yang menyebutkan:
You are eligible if you can prove objectively that all of the following requirements are met:
- You are a family member of an EU/EEA/Swiss national. (this includes a spouse, registered partner, child who is under 21 or a depending family member); and
- you are accompanying the EU/EEA/Swiss national or planning to join him/her; and
- this EU/EEA/Swiss national is traveling to or is residing in another member state than that of which he/she is a national.
Tapi.. TAPI TAPI... hal ini tidak berlaku jika: This procedure does not apply to family members of Dutch nationals travelling to or living in the Netherlands, unless they have recently worked/lived in another EU/EER country or Switzerland.
Jadi kalo gw pulang kampung, gw tetep harus bayar visanya. Pulang ke Belanda. Gw cerita suami gw, dia bilang "No wonder!" LOL gw nggak paham juga. Tapi ya gw seneng aja dong dapet gratis juga.
Prosesnya singkat, hari ini submit data, besok udah rilis visanya, lusanya paspor dikirim, besoknya paspor udah ditangan. Gw pake kurir bayar 150 ribu karena Bali masuk area 2. Gw dapet visanya sesuai tanggal masuk dan keluar Eropanya. Tapi, VFS Swiss cuma ada di Jakarta, di Bali nggak ada jadi mau nggak mau gw harus ke Jakarta. Tiket ke Jakarta lebih mahal daripada harga visa gw dududuu.
Yang apply via Swiss bisa dibilang nggak sebanyak Belanda. Kemarin gw sendirian aja sampai 10 menit kemudian baru ada orang kedua. Proses ambil biometriknya juga singkat sih. Masuk jam 9 kurang 10 menitan, jam 9 lebih 5 udah selesai. Appointment gw jam 9 pagi tapi karena nggak ada yang antri ya dibolehin masuk juga.
Sesingkat dan semudah itu sih.
ReplyDeletelho ya gapapa, emang aku sengaja bikin iri wekkkk :P
Deletetelat wisan sampean mas, wes kawin wissssssss gaiso golek bule maneh hahahahahahha