Terasa seperti ini, Gunung Baturnya ada tapi nggak keliatan. Sistemnya ada, tapi masih berkabut. Katanya sih berlaku sejak tanggal 17 Desember 2024, bersamaan dengan semua perubahan seperti paspor dan biayanya. Karena harus perpanjang ITAS di akhir tahun, gw sudah kontak mereka dan bilang "Oh bisa extend via website." Di websitenya agak membingungkan buat pemula karena ada beberapa bagian. Bagian yang paling mentereng adalah bagian APPLY , yang mana ini harus digunakan untuk orang yang belum pernah apply ITAS . Sejenis untuk mendapatkan TELEX visa dulu yang nantinya dikonversi ke ITAS. Perlu dicatat ini adalah ITAS dengan pasangan Indonesia sebagai sponsor ya. Tentunya perlu penjamin yang apply VITAS dll sebelum ke ITAS. Apply sebagai penjamin bisa di website yang sama. Tapi kalau apply sendiri bisa dengan menggunakan "Personal". Setelah masuk ke website imigrasi dengan menggunakan ID Penjamin, bagian HOME akan tampil beberapa hal. Nah, bagian Extend ITAS tuh a...
I am afraid I am gonna say "I am disappointed for not using this sooner" as so many reviews go like that.
The reason why I want to convert my menstrual pad to a menstrual cup is I got rashes so much when I am on my period. It's kind of allergic and that is every women's problem.
A menstrual cup is reusable, no waste at all, you can use it for 5-10 years or until it cracks (then you have to change it). So this is an eco-friendly product. I chose menstrual cups instead of the menstrual reusable pad because it takes too much time to wash (and dry) the reusable pad and I just don't like it. It's like washing your panties when the blood leaks. Not my favorite.
So after 2 years of readings, watching videos, and reviews, I decided to buy it. I bought the local product because it is cheaper than the one I want. And because I need a trial session so I better spend $13 than to spend $30 for that. So I chose to buy this G-cup.
It probably scary to imagine how to insert a silicon product into the vagina but when the product arrived, it is not that big. They usually have 2 or 3 sizes: the one for teenagers, the one for the sexually active person, and the one who had given birth per vaginum (for some brands they only use 2 sizes). I chose the medium one. Question from my friends who had C-sec when they had their babies, which cup should they use? I actually don't know much, but everyone's size is different. So if you have the same question, you probably need to try either the second or third size.
Any kind of instructions you can find online.
The day when it arrived, I wanted to try it as soon as possible. I "tried" then I found myself not that relax so it was just at the tip of my vagina and I didn't continue it. I was a little bit tired and stress lately. Everybody says that you should relax so your muscles down there won't be that tense.
On day two, I was a bit relaxed and wet. So I tried. It was in, like 3/4 part of the cup but when I need it to pop up inside my body, it was not that easy to open the fold. I tried 3 ways of folding and still no luck. Even it popped up outside. The feeling when it was halfway to go in (in super wet condition), it went smooth, to be honest. But a little bit uncomfortable when the last part of the cup needs to pop up inside.
After a few weeks of waiting, finally, it's day one. I had it in the morning and trying to insert it in for about 15-20 mins and still couldn't get it. It went 3/4 part only. I had to wear my pad because I was in a rush to work today.
I tried to insert it in after work and I went all the way in. The first question I had was, "Is it in?" Because I heard the "pop" but not so sure if the fold is unfolded perfectly. I still put on a pantyliner just in case. Turns out after a few hours I have no leak. Though I had to turn it around a few times inside and push it deeper. I did not cut the tail of the cup and it works just fine. Do not cut the tail yet. The length is different so just in case, do not cut it right away.
I tried all of the ways to fold but punch down works better for me because it has some small space to pop up the folding better than the other two. I lifted my leg, use a water-based lubricant, then start to insert it in. Don't be afraid to push it deeper. Two things you should have before inserted it in: relax and wet enough (either from your own lubricant or water-based lubricant).
It gave me a sensation like when the penis in and out when I inserted the cup. When I woke up I tried to look for the tail of the cup that went all the way in than I had before sleep. That is normal as the muscles down there went super relax when we sleep. But don't worry, you just need to push your stomach muscles down like when you're going to poop and the tail will be out soon. Then you can pull it slowly. I squat when I pull it out.
I only bleed like 15 ml - 20 ml on my first day. For sure it will be less the next day. The blood stays the same. I mean, the blood stays liquid and doesn't smell. It made my period one day shorter because on day 4, I got only a little.
I am a sexually active person so it's not a new thing to insert something into my vagina. For those who never had sex or explore the vagina yet, you need to learn how to get to know your vagina. It probably makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable.
But one thing I know for sure, the whole menstrual cup experience is a game-changer. No more rashes, no more blood leaks, no more sanitary waste. You won't even feel that you're on your period once it is in. I love it. It's my first cycle using this but I have no doubt to keep using it.
If you have any problem related to your body or your vagina, you need to ask your doc first. Some people with contraceptives are asked to consult their ob-gyn first. In my case, I am just a sexually active person with no problems in my body and never give birth yet. What works for someone doesn't mean always work for someone else.
It's really worth a shot, girls 💚
Update: I've been using this for 4 cycles now. I am getting used to it and definitely love it. I still use the water-based lubricant and took me less than 10 seconds to insert the cup.
Kalo masih perawan jangan coba-coba pake ini. Nanti dijambak sama mak lu !
DeleteAku belom pernah pakai, padahal kalau urusan dimasukin alat yaitu dulu sering diusg trans v aginal ya uda katam pas promil ahhahahah, tapi kalau pas period pakai menstrual cup aku masih parno takut mingslep trus susah dicopot atau bocor hahahhahaa
ReplyDeleteTapi ini emang lebih ramah lungkungan yak daripada pembalut biasa
hahahahahhaah nggak mingsleepp kok. nggak susah copot jg. Ngeden aja. Kalo bs ngeden pas ga bisa pup niscaya kita bs ngeluarin cup ini hahaha
Deleteiya 150ribu bisa dipake 5-10 tahun ini luv bgt. Pembalut sebulan 10ribu kali 12 bulan udah 120 ribu :O Lebih ke efek pemakaian yg ga ada bau, ga gatel2 juga, enak bgt sungguhan hehe