If there is any second, third, fourth life, I would want to be born as a fat sexy cat who lives in Istanbul, fully fed and always sleeping anytime anywhere.
This post is dedicated to our lazy kitties. My Molly is pretty social, though he/she is super lazy. Yea, we don’t know what it is yet. I suspect it’s a he but did not really attractive to a female cat. My mum told me what it is but I always take it as he.
I adopted him when he was 4 months old. And that was in 2018. My student offered me a cat, and our forcefully taken cats have abandoned me so I said yes. She was about to move out and she had too many cats. So I adopt one. Or should I say, he took me as his slave? That sounds better.
We never buy any cats.
He was named Cimol, I call him Molly. But many of us just call him Mol and call my sister Cim. It feels like a bundle. He is now 2 years. So in human age, he is 24 years old. Pretty mature to start his career... as a professional sleeper?
We see it every day about how easier life as a cat so my husband and I are both agree that we want to be born as a cat, live in Istanbul in our next life. Well, in this term is well fed and fat.
But anyway, do you believe in reincarnation? I do 😋
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