How morning person I am? Hmm, people know that I am not a morning person. I will fully function after 10 until midnight. Somehow, lately, I feel like I am missing out on things in the morning like bubur kacang ijo.
So I decided to try to be a morning person. Well... at least waking up and start my day earlier than I usually do. It was not easy at first. But my boss said, "Let's try to have a morning meeting." Obviously, I was challenged. It worked out but also exhausting at first.
But I still try to wake up early and start my day early. I found out that lavender and chamomile tea helps for better sleep. I definitely bought the tea and start to drink it every day in the evening. So black tea in the morning, or turmeric drink, and lavender & chamomile tea in the evening when I wrapped up some work left at home.
The lavender & chamomile tea did not work directly but it helps to calm my body a few hours before bed. It relaxed my muscles and mind before bed. Though at first, I slept around 1 or 2 in the morning, slowly but sure now I got really sleepy before midnight and able to wake up around 5 or 6. This is a big thing for me. For the record, 6 AM in Bali still dark.
So after weeks of good tea, I can be at work before 9 with a fresh body and eyes. Well... still need coffee after breakfast. Oh, I have my sanity table at home. It's a table where I put my little coffee machine there, with coffee and my tea. It's ... yea I call it sanity table 😂 The things that will keep me sane in the morning and at night.
I accomplished more work in the morning. I am satisfied with the changes. Though I would want to do small exercise in the morning, yea slowly. Waking up in the morning is not bad too. I still fully function in the evening too. So, it's pretty satisfying.
I am content.
How about you guys? Are you a morning person or night owl?
ReplyDeleteaku juga morning oerson...awalnya aku kebluq banget kan...susah banget bangun pagi...tapi suatu ketika aku niat mau lari pagi sambil pasar akhirnya kayak kesugesti di pikiran aku bisa nih bangun jam 4 dan berhasil....dan jadi kayak seterusnya bisa begitu wkwkkwkw...tapi aku ga bisa ngopi kalau pagi
aku bisanya nyusu wkwkwkkw...
Berati emang kalo niat tuh bisa ya wkwkkw. Kayak ada yang ditunggu gitu lho tiap bangun tidur, akhirnya jadi excited mau ngapain aja hari itu. Aku bener-bener baru ngerasain ini setelah ngebo bertahun-tahun hahaa!
Deleteku bisa ngopi kalo udah ngeteh dan sarapan mbak 😅 Kalau langsung kopi bangun tidur bisa-bisa masuk UGD 😂
Entah kenapa, aku merasa bangun pagi itu bisa menular. Kebetulan tinggal di mess. Kalau tidur di dekat teman yang biasa bangun pagi, aku juga ikutan terbangun. Biasanya jam 4an sudah bangun. Namun, kalau dekat yang biasa bangun siang, akhirnya ikutan bangun siang.
ReplyDeletePada dasarnyanaku juga morning person. Jarang sekali bangun siang. Aku merasa memulai aktivitas lebih pagi merupakan hal yang menyenangkan. Biasanya diawali dengan olahraga pagi.
hahaa kayaknya emang manusia gampang ikut pengaruh juga ya.
Deleteiya bener juga, pagi2 gerak itu bikin badan seger. Enaknya kalo jam 10 malem udah capek banget biasanya jadi gampang tidur malemnya :D