The answer is I don't know.
My natural self is only letting me bitch people who bitch me first (directly). I don't bite first. My grandpa taught me to hit back someone who hit me first lol. I definitely listened to him. So, I really don't know why women bitching each other. Ok, because I am a woman, what happens in my case was mostly women bitching me, rarely men do that to me.
Well, my best guess is they just don't like people being happy, or... they're just simply not happy with their lives 😊
I knew someone who always bitching about me behind my back. The thing is, she's not only bitching about me but everyone. Literally, everyone. Mostly women. I don't know why tho. She has a good job, family, house, cars, you name it. But it seems like it's not enough. When someone achieves something, she'll directly say a stupid and bad thing in front of them.
I only bitching people in front of them, personally. I try my best not to do that behind their back because I don't want to waste my time to bitch someone, and yet they don't know about that. What's the point tho?
Another thing that I avoid so much is when someone (in my case, women) praises me for something small or ridiculously normal things. Saying too many good words like, "Oh I adore you, I like you, you're so kind. I won't ruin your life" for small normal things I do. Because I know, something is off. They stabbed my back after saying those 🙅 I mean, I like to be surrounded with positive things (not covid+ tho), but I can sense something fishy miles away. I know which one is real which one is fake 😉
wakakakak sama sist...akupun...aku adalah tipikal orang yang ga akan nyubit kalau ga dicubit duluan. kadang aneh ya orang di sekeliling kita mostly cewek tapi suka nyatur atau ngomongin kita di belakang, padahal mereka kenal kita ga tapi hobbi banget nyari nyari apa buat dirumpiin dan dujugde...huhu...kurang kesibukan kali ya yang kayak gitu...kita nya diem bae salah, ngapain salah...serba salah iya ga sih
ReplyDeletehahah kenapa ya mbak? kok bisa ya? tapi ya kayaknya emg bener sih, dia ga merasa cukup dengan kehidupannya makanya ngeributin cara hidup orang lain. Iya ga sih? wkwkkw