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Showing posts from February, 2022

Book: The Midnight Library

It is one of the books that blown my mind. It's very well written and would probably relate with a lot of people who are in their journey to find themselves.  So many people are talking about it but I did not buy it until a few months ago where I read the preview on the first pages. Easy for me to see if I want to buy the book or not. When the first pages hook me right away, I don't need to think twice. This book is one of them.  This contains spoiler of course.  Nora, the main character, like many of us, fall into depression and decided to kill herself. But she's not dead right away. She went into a kind of limbo between life and death. In that library she met a librarian, this librarian is a kind of a guide. Our guide that probably tasked when we were born.    The librarian shows her lives that she could have had if she wants to. She is so depressed and thinks that no life will makes her happy enough to live it. I can totally understand her state. I was there....

Vaksin Booster (ke-3) di Bali

Gw anaknya emang rajin banget imunisasi dari bayi. Bersyukur banget mak gw bukan antivak wkwkw. Jadi ketika tau booster covid bisa didapat di bulan ke-6 setelah vaksin kedua, bergegaslah diriku ini mencari informasi. Gw sempet itung juga, "Kalau 6 bulan berarti gw dapet bulan Februari, tanggal berapa ya? Oh gini aja, setaun dibagi 2 kan 6 bulan. Oke berati 182,5 hari." Setelah gw hitung ternyata gw liat ada list di di tanggal 23 Februari. Maunya tanggal 22 Februari yaa biar cantik tanggalnya juga biar inget aja, tapi nggak dapet tanggal itu.  Nah, harusnya kan di Peduli Lindungi keluar tiket vaksin ya. Temen gw yang vaksinnya 2 hari duluan dari gw aja udah dapet tiket kok gw belum. Dia udah dapet dari bulan lalu, gw nggak ada. Yaudah akhirnya gw hitung manual tadi.  Karena gw nggak dapet tiket, tapi gw hitung manual, tentu saja gw berdoa semoga gw nggak ditolak ya. Nah, di Bali enak banget. Daftarnya pakai aplikasi antrian namanya SpeedID. Ini waktu gw vaksin pertama udah ada...

The Spell of the Ocean

Vavuu atol Someone once told me that he couldn't live far from the beach and ocean. Wherever he lives, it must be somewhere next to the beach. Preferably 10 mins walking. I didn't get that until I feel it myself.  Holy shit! When did I fall in love with the beach? Grew up in Malang, they don't have calm beaches. They have only southern beaches, with crazy waves and deadly ones. Never crossed my mind that I'd fall in love with beaches. Too noisy, too crowded, I don't like it. Because the beaches there are always so crowded with people. Then I moved to Bali, living practically close to the beach. Only 3 KM from Sanur. The first time I came to Sanur, I fell in love with that beach from first sight.  I do love Seminyak beaches too, the sunsets are always crazy beautiful, but it's pretty far. For many people, Sanur may not be that special but for me it is. I can feel the energy whenever I need to recharge myself. It's always sweeping away my negative thoughts/ene...

Is Living in Bali Good?

Offering Before I moved to Bali, I told my husband that I wouldn't even think about it. At that time I was thinking about the salary of working in Bali because I thought there were not much of big companies like in Jakarta or Surabaya. Lol yea that's kind of true but there are a lot more international companies here lol. I fooled myself. I mean, the minimum wage of Bali is way less than Surabaya. Almost half of Surabaya while the living cost here seems expensive. I thought so. Well, obviously I was wrong. You can read the prices in Bali  here . Another reason I didn't want to move to Bali is that it is "BALI". Foreigners don't even know Indonesia but they know Bali. I don't fancy popular stuff that much.  Sanur. My regular. Can you spot Agung Mt? We visited Bali pretty often before moving here. Not to experience those fancy club-hopping lifestyles, but the small villages and how people live here. Slowly but sure, I started to love the energy here. I tried ...

Island Break Maldives

Can you spot me? How can I miss it already? I never had such an expectation when it comes to a hotel/guesthouse. I mean, why should I? It's just a place to stay when we're away from home. As long as it's clean then it's good enough. Until I stayed at Island Break. This guesthouse is an exception. We stayed there because it is bundled with our PADI diving course. I was too focused on my first diving stuff so I didn't really care where to stay. H asked for a guesthouse recommendation, anywhere doesn't matter as long as their food is good. How good that can be huh? I guess it would be pretty standard, no? Good lord! I am in love with this guesthouse the moment I stepped my feet in. Why? I don't even know why. Lol. I mean... alright let me tell you my experiences here. When we arrived by speedboat, it was pretty late because our flight was delayed for almost an hour before we could actually land. So we missed our 1100 speedboat and had to wait for the 1600 speed...

Menjadi Seorang Intuitif

Kiki, snuggly cat in Fulidhoo Menurut definisi, Highly Intuitive Person adalah orang yang intuisinya tajam banget. Kebetulan gw menjadi salah satunya. Dari dulu gw dapet sebutan dukun dari temen-temen gw. Karena seringkali gw bisa nebak 80% soal ujian yang bakal keluar. Tiap mau ujian, temen gw pasti nanya apa yang gw pelajari dan apa yang gw rasa bakal muncul di ujian. Tapi bukan berarti gw bisa dapet nilai bagus sih. Gw bisa nebak soal yang keluar tapi belum tentu gw bisa tau jawabannya juga 😤 Kalau soal itu penentu masa depan, gw langsung minta temen gw buat kasih gw jawaban haha!  Segampang berujar waktu karantina, "Kok gw pengen ya sarapan besok pecel", eh besoknya dateng pecel. "Pengen ikan goreng sambel kecap" siangnya dateng menu itu. "Ah bosen ah gini doang, pengen sarapan enteng pake roti gitu aja, ala barat" datang juga besokannya begitu. 🙆 Seringkali, ini sering banget sampai gw pernah "dibenci" sahabat gw karena gw bilang gw nggak...

How Much Does It Cost to Live in Bali?

Of course, I always look PRETTY ridiculous in H's camera. What did I do with that pose actually? 😲 Are you... looking for this kind of post as my husband did? LOL I mean, I live in Bali and we're still LDR for almost 5 years now (or maybe 7 if we count it from the day we became a couple). So when he asked me about how expensive/cheap is living in Bali, he doesn't really believe me. LOL. Then he will send me some blog posts about living costs in Bali from a foreign perspective and ask me to cross-check them.  So here let me tell you how much does it cost to have a normal life in Bali.  Btw, I am Indonesian. I moved to Bali from Java to find my balance. Long story short, I found what I was looking for in Bali. I don't have fancy life hopping from one beach club to another. I am a homebody so obviously, I spend more money on making my house comfortable, instead of spending money on clubbing or fancy eating.  Of course, I still have some fancy eating out or doing fancy thi...

Cerita Karantina di Hotel

Cerita karantina selanjutnya 2 kali di hotel. Kali ini, semuanya berjalan lebih terkoordinir. List hotel karantina bisa dilihat di sini . Jadi nggak ada lagi drama nggak diladenin karena ina inu. Tinggal pilih hotel, hubungi hotel via WA atau email, kirim dokumen yang diperlukan, lalu kita dapat QR code yang nantinya ditunjukkan ke pihak bandara.  Karantina pertama kali di hotel gw bulan September kalau nggak Oktober 2021 dan bulan Januari 2022. Gw pesen di dua hotel berbeda. Karantina di hotel pertama dapet rejeki cuma 3 hari, jadi biaya yang dikeluarkan juga nggak sebanyak kemaren yang 7 hari.  dipakein gelang rumah sakit, dilepas pas check out. Nah, alurnya secara detail ada yang berubah sedikit tapi secara garis besar masih sama. Begitu datang, urus dokumen ini itu, lalu kita di PCR di lokasi. PCR ini hasilnya didapat dalam waktu 1 dan 2 jam karena ada dua lab yang berbeda. Waktu pertama kali gw karantina, gw harus nunggu hasil di bandara sebelum diangkut ke hotel. Tapi ka...

Cerita Karantina di Wisma Atlet Pademangan

Wisma Atlet Pademangan. Gw karantina di lantai 9. Ini bukan karantina yang pertama kalinya sih. Bukan juga karena sakit (amit-amittttt jabang baby boy and girl!). Tapi karena gw baru datang dari luar negeri. Baru dapetin asupan gizi, nutrisi, untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan nurani. Halah! Ya abis ketemu H. Selama pandemi udah 4 kali ke luar negeri. Karena H liburnya cuma 2 minggu dan kalau harus karantina dulu kan sayang juga waktu yang terbuang. 2 minggu itupun udah termasuk perjalanannya, yang mana perjalanan di masa pandemi bisa molor 1-2 hari. Nggak bisa dimepet-mepetin.  Jadi, pertama kali ke luar negeri pas pandemi itu sekitar bulan September 2020. Waktu itu pulang nggak perlu karantina. Tapi parno dan dramanya panjang banget, sampai bisa nyampe di Bali lagi tuh rasanya wow selamet sukur banget.  6 bulan kemudian sekitar bulan April 2021, gw ke luar lagi. Kali itu karantina udah mulai diterapkan. Waktu karantinanya 5 hari, aturan masih sangat nggak jelas sama sekali. Pun begit...