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Write Down Your Dreams, They Said.

Moscow Yes, all things I have and I do right now is all the things that I have written down on papers, during my sleeps, in my consciousness, in my visions. So let's do that again here.  I have another dream that I really think of. It's the thing I want to do when I have so much money, or enough money, or when money doesn't matter anymore, or who knows!  I wanna build a school for kids who can't afford to go to school. I want them to pay nothing, and I want them to learn the basic things like how to respect others, how to tell people their ideas/opinions, familiarize them with being kind, how to think logically, how to solve problems, etc. All the basic survival things in life.  I think my passion is always in education, but I don't always like to follow the old-school rules. There are so many important things we don't learn at school that I think should be taught there. Once we graduate from school, we usually don't know how to navigate life. Who taught you...

Write Down Your Dreams, They Said.


Yes, all things I have and I do right now is all the things that I have written down on papers, during my sleeps, in my consciousness, in my visions. So let's do that again here. 

I have another dream that I really think of. It's the thing I want to do when I have so much money, or enough money, or when money doesn't matter anymore, or who knows! 

I wanna build a school for kids who can't afford to go to school. I want them to pay nothing, and I want them to learn the basic things like how to respect others, how to tell people their ideas/opinions, familiarize them with being kind, how to think logically, how to solve problems, etc. All the basic survival things in life. 

I think my passion is always in education, but I don't always like to follow the old-school rules. There are so many important things we don't learn at school that I think should be taught there. Once we graduate from school, we usually don't know how to navigate life. Who taught you to fill in the tax report? Who taught you to manage the money you have? Unfortunately we have to do that ourselves. We have no idea what to do, without any supervision, right?

But anyway, I don't want to teach them difficult things like how to integrate the numbers in mathematics. Just very basic things in life that schools usually miss to teach it. Why? Because everything can be learned and to be figured out, but strong characters and integrity take longer to learn. It has to be taught as early as possible. 

I learned that our environment where we grow shapes our characters, integrity, and moral values. When we're exposed daily to people who have no integrity, unconsciously we will do the same things. Because that's what we think it's right. Another reason why we have to teach kids all of these things is because they absorb things like sponges. Quick learner, innocent and kind souls. 

Let say they grow up in a fucked up home with a little to no hope, I hope what they learn at school about these things will beat what they learned at home. 

And why should I care about that? Because we rely on everything on our next generations. Let's be honest, the world is pretty fucked up. I recently feel hopeless whenever I read news. But when we have strong characters, integrity, and good moral valued people, it becomes a beacon of hope we can have in the future. It will make life better, having more quality to a life. So everyone can enjoy living peacefully. 

I can't help everybody. I can only dream and who knows, one day it might come true. I write my dreams and let it happen on its own time. 


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