Terasa seperti ini, Gunung Baturnya ada tapi nggak keliatan. Sistemnya ada, tapi masih berkabut. Katanya sih berlaku sejak tanggal 17 Desember 2024, bersamaan dengan semua perubahan seperti paspor dan biayanya. Karena harus perpanjang ITAS di akhir tahun, gw sudah kontak mereka dan bilang "Oh bisa extend via website." Di websitenya agak membingungkan buat pemula karena ada beberapa bagian. Bagian yang paling mentereng adalah bagian APPLY , yang mana ini harus digunakan untuk orang yang belum pernah apply ITAS . Sejenis untuk mendapatkan TELEX visa dulu yang nantinya dikonversi ke ITAS. Perlu dicatat ini adalah ITAS dengan pasangan Indonesia sebagai sponsor ya. Tentunya perlu penjamin yang apply VITAS dll sebelum ke ITAS. Apply sebagai penjamin bisa di website yang sama. Tapi kalau apply sendiri bisa dengan menggunakan "Personal". Setelah masuk ke website imigrasi dengan menggunakan ID Penjamin, bagian HOME akan tampil beberapa hal. Nah, bagian Extend ITAS tuh a...
It's me, Prisca. Someone that you'll think that I have an intimidating aura (which is true) in the first meeting. But don't worry I won't bite unless you bite me first lol.
I am not a morning person. I enjoy learning new things. It's what makes my soul happy.
I'll be super cranky when I am hungry. Yes, food always comes first 💕
I observe. I observe everything and everyone.
I contemplate a lot.
I believe in things that many people think those are weird or unreal.
I am annoyed by a silly not-important typo (kinda pet peeves in language I think). I am annoyed easily by almost everything so don't worry. Oh well... so less now.
What is the purpose of this blog?
Writing the crowds in my mind. My writings here are purely about my experiences and thoughts. Be sure to take it with a grain of salt. You'll see diverse and random thoughts I have here. Mostly will be about my thoughts, investing, visa and travel, education, history, science, women, (a little bit of) my personal life, some reviews, Korean or Netflix series.
I don't have a specific niche. So enjoy!
Leaving your thoughts here means a lot to me. Let's connect.
Leaving your thoughts here means a lot to me. Let's connect.
Have a great day, greeting from sunny Bali.
Salam kenal :p 😇✌️
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